The Ultimate Guide to Homeowners Insurance

The Ultimate Guide to Homeowners Insurance

The Ultimate Guide to Homeowners Insurance: Home insurance, sometimes referred to as homeowner’s insurance, is a must, not an extravagance. That goes beyond only shielding your house and belongings from harm or theft. We’ll go over the fundamentals of homeowners insurance coverage in this post. Most mortgage lenders will not approve a loan or fund … Read more

Bank of America CEO on mortgage rates at 7%, inflation, wage hikes – Uptrends

Bank of America CEO on mortgage rates at 7%, inflation, wage hikes – Uptrends

American consumers are being pulled in two opposite directions right now: by rising prices that threaten consumption on one side, and by low unemployment and rising wages that are fueling growth on the other. But Bank of America predicts that the two forces, with the help of a push from the Fed, will reach an … Read more