What are the big 4 private equity firms and what exactly do they do? – Uptrends

What are the big 4 private equity firms and what exactly do they do? – Uptrends

Private equity giants have given rainmakers a fresh dose of motivation to deliver cash returns during a deal drought. Carlyle Group Inc. last week followed the lead of larger rivals KKR & Co. and Apollo Global Management Inc. by tying the pay of dealmakers and senior employees more closely to investment outcomes. The firms will … Read more

Private equity drought: Returns plunge to levels from 2009 – Uptrends

Private equity drought: Returns plunge to levels from 2009 – Uptrends

Private equity funds last year returned the lowest amount of cash to their investors since the financial crisis 15 years ago, according to Raymond James Financial Inc., hampering buyout firms in their efforts to launch new investment vehicles. Distributions to so-called limited partners totaled 11.2% of funds’ net asset value, the lowest since 2009 and … Read more