How to recover Ethereum sent to the wrong address

Recovering Ethereum (ETH) sent to a wrong address or network is possible and very simple most of the time.

But you need to know what steps to take, who to contact, and what tools to use based on your specific situation.

In this guide, we will show you how to retrieve ETH sent to the wrong address and network.

Also, if you lose your Ethereum (ETH) due to a fraudulent or fraudulent system/app, you can see if your coins can be recovered.

How to recover Ethereum (ETH) sent to a wrong address
If you sent your Ethereum (ETH) to the wrong address, there are several possibilities and therefore different solutions.

The wrong address could be a contract address, an exchange address, an address you copied from somewhere, or a completely random address with wrong letters/numbers.

The first thing to do is to look for the wrong address on block scanning sites like Etherscan, BscScan, Polygon Scan, etc. and social networking sites like Twitter.

By doing a search on a false address, you can quickly understand if it is a contract address or one that belongs to a crypto exchange.

If the wrong address is a contract address, you can see your page like the following after searching for the address in block explorer sites:

If you send Ethereum to a contract address, the chance of getting your ETH back is very low.

But you should still contact the developer of the token contract to ask if it is possible for them to return the token sent to the contract address.

In some cases, the contract developer can help users whose tokens have expired at the contract address.

If the contract address belongs to a stablecoin, you can contact the company issuing the stablecoin. For other tokens, you can contact the token developer/team.

If the wrong address belongs to an exchange, you may see it labeled like this on block exploration sites such as Etherscan:

In this case, you should contact the exchange and explain the situation to customer support.

The exchange can return your coin or credit it to your exchange account if possible.

Another possibility with the wrong address is that it could be an address you copied from somewhere by mistake.

So you can check if the address belongs to a wallet or exchange that you are already using.

If the incorrect address includes one or more incorrect letters or numbers and appears to be owned by no one, your ETH cannot be recovered.

You can look up the address on block exploration sites such as Etherscan and social networking sites to see if the address is owned by someone or if there are transactions associated with it.

How to recover Ethereum (ETH) sent to the wrong network
Recovering Ethereum sent to the wrong network is very simple, especially when it comes to your own wallet.

If the receiving address belongs to an exchange, there is nothing you can do but contact the exchange’s customer service.

Since you have no control over the address (the private key), you cannot retrieve your ETH.

Whether it is returned to you or credited to your exchange account depends on the refund policies of the exchange you use.

If you want to use an exchange that has multiple network options when depositing and withdrawing cryptocurrency, you can check out Binance.

To open your Binance account with 20% off fees, use referral ID “WRYOO8BZ” or click the button below:

Open your financial account

When it comes to your crypto wallet, recovering ETH sent to the wrong network is much easier.

If you send Ethereum to a wallet you use, such as MetaMask, but select the wrong network, you must first add that network to your wallet.

For example, if you accidentally specified a BSC when making a transaction, you can add a BSC to MetaMask by following our tutorial.

To find out how to add other grids like Polygon and Arbitrum to your portfolio, you can do a Google search like this: “how to add an ‘x’ grid to MetaMask”.

After adding the network to your wallet, you also need to import the token with your contract address if it does not appear in your wallet.

You can find the contract address for the token being sent to the wrong network by searching for its address on the relevant block explorer site and clicking on the token under your token holdings.

For example, if the faulty network is BSC, you can look up its address in BscScan, or if the network is Arbitrum, you can use the “Arbiscan” block explorer.

After searching for your address, you need to click on the token under the holdings of the token that you transferred by selecting the wrong network, as shown below:

You can then find the token contract address and copy it to the wrong network, as shown below:

If you are using a crypto wallet like Trust Wallet, you can try adding the token directly with your contract address on the wrong network.

This way, your token can appear directly in your wallet. To transfer it back to the exchange you’re using or to a different address, you also need the network’s faulty original currency in your wallet.

If the token is in BSC by mistake, you need some BNB in your wallet to transfer the token to other addresses.

Similarly, to move a token on the Polygon network, for example, you need its native currency, which is MATIC.

How to recover Ethereum (ETH) sent to a fraudster
If you send your Ethereum to a scammer, you can’t get it back directly as you can’t control the scammer’s address.

Also, you cannot get help from blockchain developers or anyone claiming to be “support” because blockchains are not centralized.

But there are a few things you can do to get your Ethereum back sent to the scammer’s address.

You can look up the fraudster’s address on block scanning sites like Etherscan, BscScan, and PolygonScan, depending on which network the ETH is being transferred on.

By tracking transactions, you can see where your ETH goes, which could be an exchange address or some other address still controlled by the fraudster.

If the scammer sends your ETH to an exchange address or any other address owned by the platform, you can contact them and explain the situation.

But, most of the time, this is not enough to get your ETH back.

Since exchanges or other platforms cannot tell if you really lost your ETH or if the receiving address was owned by a scammer, you should contact the police or relevant local government agency.

By contacting the relevant authorities in your country and providing them with all the evidence and documents that you have, you can make the possible actions and recover the currency by exchange more likely.

In addition to your ETH, if you lose your initial recovery phrase or private keys to the scammer, you should also stop using your wallet.

The scammer can also transfer all new coins and tokens at your address, including those stacked and on different networks, to different addresses.

If possible, you can try to transfer any cryptocurrency left in your wallet to a new one.

After that you can forget about it and use your new digital wallet.

But in any case, it would be wise to keep the recovery phrase exposed, as you may need it to prove ownership of the address.

If you have any questions about how to recover ETH sent to the wrong address or network, you can leave a comment below.

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Wallet Addresses:

– BTC: 3Jxn99UcdwReDaVn8NCPUmbBAq9ii2ajoC

– USDT TRC20 TJi3FfbuLxQJ8VeYqxao4HBx9Vc3n5VzaA

– BNB BEP20 0x49e322C831eB8F99B7F35E39Ff2c7100a881731f

– DOGE: D5gFm24no5ttD1AqTAPUSSNhAS8C8Wu3Dy

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